Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Reading/Writing skills

I would like to thank you all for the useful sites you have helped me add to my delicious list. Thanks for sharing.

I have to admit that teaching writing through the web is cerainly funnier and esier than teaching through a course book. Through the web we can teach our Ss how to write good essays, letters, e-mails, descriptions etc. Similarly, reading could also become funnier and more interesting using the web.
On the other hand I insist on teaching literature for reading/writing purposes through literature books with the help of CDs DVDs.
Ss must touch, smell and feel the books they are reading rather than scrolling down the text to read. In many occassions I've found sand inside the books I read during my summer holidays in the Greek islands and the memories I recall are so powerful that no PC can offer.
Any other romantic teachers out there?


  1. Hi Angela

    There’s certainly some truth in what you are stating. The pleasure and excitement that comes from reading paper-based books certainly makes the contact between the reader and the writer more personal and intimate. However, we are moving into an increasingly paperless reality where reading lots of things from online or saved on a pc has become more of a necessity rather than pleasure. So, I guess we have to benefit from the best of both worlds.


  2. Dear Angela,
    I am the same romantic type. I can really enjoy reading when I read printed books. I have never tried e-books, but I do not like reading on the net.
    When you hold a book, it has a shape, colour, cover, a feel...I hope they won't disappear. We still have some old books from grandparents from the beginning of the 20th century...
    It is hard when our students do not share these joys...but I'm sure there will always be some who have the same opinion! And we have to be up-to-date and accept that world is changing.

    all the best for you

  3. Hi Angela,

    Certainly I am agreed with you I prefer to read books instead of scrolling down the text to read. Things have been change lately. Technology is in everywhere. We have to use it if we don’t want to be behind. I enjoy teaching English with technology and my goal is to have a blend model English class. But on the way I don’t want to lose my old framework using the traditional system facing with all the equipment that we use in these type of classes, such as: cds, videos, whiteboards, etc. Technology won’t replace our personal touch in class, I am sure.
    Maybe I am quite romantic, too? no?

    Ava Norton
