Thursday, February 10, 2011

Using Interactive Power Point Presentations

And I thought that using applause and sound effects in my slides was sth unique and interactive!!! I thought that I will impress my students by changing each slide with the sound of a camera!!!
I now realize that I was far behind from being interactive. Reading the articles of this week including the supplementary ones has helped me a lot. I hope I will manage to apply what I have learned in the PPPresentation we're asked to to for the second half of the week.
Another interesting and creative week.


  1. Dear Angela,
    The idea of interactive Power Point presentations/Slides is more impressive. I was very surprised to see some interesting slides made for students. It is a fact if presentation in Power Point is not child centered and interactive, it may not be very helpful ( I believe). These presentations can be more interesting if they are more engaging.
    My case is the same. I thought text coming from one corner and other is interactivity, but in vain. The idea of interactivity is really different. The articles regarding PP presentations showed me the right track.
    Take care,

  2. Hello Angela,

    I wish you good luck in learning even more interesting interactive things in using the PowerPoint presentations.

    I agree that this is something which is really important for us to know these days, as you can never be confident how deep the gap between you and your students is in using technology. This is why I like the course!

    Best of luck,

  3. Well, add me to the list. Before I tried to use PP to show basic information or topics since I was kind of scared to have a boring presentation. I`m now feeling more confident after learning about some strategies for making PPP interactive.
