Friday, March 4, 2011

One week before the end of our course

My team has found the treasure at the treasure hunt game which is organized in my town. We've celebrated enough, and in the mean time, I've sent my final project plan to Robert. I hope he'll find it satisfactory as the time was limited this week!!!
We’ve explored Multiple intelligencies, activist  learners, reflector learners, theorists, pragmatists etc. Several learning styles, several paces, several teaching methods. It is true that each teacher should keep his/her eyes open in order to find out the students' needs. Then, he/she can modify his/her teaching in order to appeal to the students' needs and the goal of the course.
The best way to make the most of each learning group is to use Educational Technology . By having the students work on webquests, chat rooms, class websites, blogs etc, they are asked  to use several skills and abilities they have, thus acquiring as much as possible from each course.

P.S. I’ve  just tried the multiple intelligences quiz to my son and I found out that he is a Mathematic, logical type of student. I wish he liked learning foreign languages as well!!! 

That's all for now.
Angela :-), :-)


  1. Hi,

    I can see week 9 has been quite fruitful to you. You even tried what we touching on with your family at home. That's excellent! We have worked pretty hard along this training. Appliation gives a purpose to all we have been learning. I think that's the key of all this: putting into practice all the information and resources that have been given to us.

    In addition, you mentiones something really important: teacher's versatility. We have to be ready to pay attention to all the direct and indirect input we get in the classroom so as to make the necessary adaptations. Dealing with multiple intelligences calls for those adaptations. Our students need to be given as much variety as possible in order for them to explore and develop their full potential.

  2. Hello Angela,

    I agree with you that a teacher should be attentive to the students' needs, not only what is written in the curriculum. And I think that this week with a number of articles for reading will be great help for us to take into account students' needs and their learning styles.

    It is great that you have started to introduce multiple intelligence in your life. I think I will also follow your example and try to do so as the first opportunity appears.


  3. Thank you so much I agree with you and I thought that it will really help me and keep helping teacher in need
